Indian Agate wrapped in silver anti-tarnish wire
Indian Agate ~ Heart & Sacral Chakra
Known as the "stone of eternity" Indian Agate prevents being afraid of ageing. While it releases old emotions it gives confidence, physical strength & reveals inner beauty. Aiding with meditation, it instils a sense of gratitude for all things that will are & will be.
* The depth of colour & pattern on this stunning piece make it look like a part of a moss garden
* The silver leaf decoration is removable
* Before I wrap my pendants all my crystals are cleansed by a reiki practitioner which also happens to be my sister in law. Her process clears all negative/stagnet energy from the crystal, resetting it back to it's natural vibrational frequency.
Sacred reiki symbols are then used to amplify the crystals healing vibration with the intent to help the wearer improve a higher level of healing in all aspects of their life.
Each crystal I wrap is very sacred to me, so you can be assured your getting a beautiful, loved & balanced crystal to add to your collection.